Thursday, February 9, 2023

Second Script Attempt

After researching the genres of Crime Mystery,  Drama and Police Procedurals I felt better equipped to create my own film opening, taking into account the codes and conventions typically associate with those types of media.

Below is my second overall attempt at creating a script.

In this script, I felt that the knowledge and skills of filmmaking that I have learnt were far better showcased. There is a daytime scene and a nighttime scene showing a progression of time. The addition of the news program playing as background audio whilst the character is getting dressed would also add an element of time indication. The character's back story was also touched upon, giving it more depth. 

Additionally, this sequence still creates a level of suspense, starting off with a cryptic murder scene, which the audience will want to know more about by continuing to watch the film. They would also be intrigued by the female detective and her past, due to the slight lingering over the photo of her and her father.

This script also allows for more techniques to be utilised when it comes to mise-en-scene elements such as the lighting in the dark nighttime scenes and the usage of props to establish the character's profession such as the police badge and gun.


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