Thursday, January 12, 2023

180-Degree Rule Exercise

 In order to inculcate in us the importance of the 180-degree rule when it comes to filmmaking and editing, our teacher gave us an exercise to complete with the help of our classmates. The 180-degree rule states that two characters (or more) in a scene should always have the same left/right relationship with each other. The rule dictates that you draw an imaginary line between these two subjects and keep your camera on the same side of the 180-degree line, to provide cohesion to the cuts made in the scene.

The assignment we were given was to mark a 180-degree line in a classroom and then shoot a dialogue scene from 3 different angles while observing the 180-degree rule and shoot another piece of footage shot without using the 180-degree rule. We then had to use the footage to cut and edit the scene in two ways; One person had to make the video completely using the footage that was made using the 180-degree line and one person had to edit the video including the footage that broke the 180-degree rule, in order to illustrate the difference. 

I shot the footage on my camera and edited the video that showed the 180-degree rule being broken. Included below are some behind-the-scenes pictures that I took, along with the two final videos.

Behind the Scene Photos:

Following the Rule Video:

Breaking the Rule Video:


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