Friday, March 31, 2023

Adding the Soundtrack and Editing the Sound

Choosing the Music

 Now that the footage was ready I searched online for some music that I could use for the opening. I had already decided on using a song that I had heard from an episode of Castle which I felt would really fit the murder scene. 

Thus I added the song 'No Envy, No Fear' by Joshua Radlin for the murder scene and kept looking for audio for the scenes of the detective. Typically in moves when a protagonist is getting dressed in the morning, cheerful and upbeat music plays in the background. Here, however, the sequence is quite dark; we've just witnessed a murder. I wanted a more serious type of non-diegetic sound which would not sound too cheerful.

Ultimately I settled for a song that I found whilst searching on YouTube for serious music called 'It's All Downhill From Here' by Amy Kuney ft. Tim Myers. I felt that it struck the right balance between upbeat and sober. The music itself has a slightly cheerful tone but the lyrics and vocals stop it from being too happy. The turn that the movie is about to take is indicated by the song title itself, things are indeed, going to go downhill for the detective as she starts investigating the crime.

Editing the Sound

I kept most of the non-diegetic background music at a constant volume of -16db, using the audio gain feature to do so. However, the non-diegetic music in the murder scene is somewhat loud since there was no dialogue or important ambient noise that was used as well in this scene.

The diegetic ambient noises were usually kept at a volume of around -18db and the dialogue sounds were not changed but kept as they were so they would be clearly audible. I also used an Exponential Fade audio transition to transition from the soundtrack music to the phone ringing and a Constant Gain transition to return to the soundtrack music once the phone call was done so that there would be no other noise during the important dialogue bit.
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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Altering the Opening

 Before adding in the sound I saved the first version of my opening and sent it to a few people in order to receive some feedback and make any necessary alterations before progressing further.

A comment that I received were that the transition between the making of the tea and her sitting down at the desk was a bit too long so that was changed.

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Monday, March 27, 2023

Editing the Opening

 After uploading all the footage to my laptop I started a new sequence on Adobe Premiere Pro. I then started editing the scenes together according to the script and storyboard.

For the most part, the editing was quite simple. I especially made use of the razor tool and the Adobe Premiere Pro built-in video and audio transitions such as exponential fade and cross dissolve.

(using the dip-to-black transition)

Another technique that came in handy was the Lumetri Color Preset which allowed me to lighten some clips so that they would match the lighting of the previous clips. For example in the shot seen below the original footage was somewhat dark but I was able to fix this using Lumetri Colorbrighten Presets to slightly increase the exposure and temperature. 

In some parts of the sequence, I also reduced or increased the speed of the footage, such as when I slowed the clip of her holding the picture frame so that the moment would be emphasized and feel nostalgic.

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Saturday, March 25, 2023

Final Shoot: Day 2

 On the second day of shooting, I shot all the indoor and outdoor scenes of the detective. The takes didn't take too long and were quite simple to film. We set the tripod up in the different locations of the house, starting with the kitchen, followed by the dining table and finally the dresser table scenes.

We began filming early in the day to make use of the natural ambient sounds of the morning, as well as the natural lighting from the sunlight coming in. The curtains were kept open at all times for this.

There was a slight issue when the neighbours started to mow their lawn, which slightly interrupted the sound, particularly during the phone call scene. However, the noise soon stopped and we were able to resume filming quickly. 

Filming the phone call part was a little tricky but I had my mother standing in the corner out of the frame and once Dayadi had started scrolling through the news she was instructed to call her phone. She also spoke the other person's line "We've got another one" herself into the phone during the call but this created an echo in the footage because my mother was also in the room so she could see when to call. However, this was an issue which I could and did fix during editing, replacing that audio with pre-recorded audio of the line which I manipulated to sound like a speakerphone voice.

For the parts where the car was being driven, Dayadi would only do the take where the detective was getting into the car and for the rest of this scene when the car was actually being driven this was also done by my mother since nobody else had a driver's license or knew how to drive. She wore the blazer that Dayadi's character wore and drove the car up the lane a few times so that I could get the perfect take. The lane was very quite as it was a weekday and a residential area so there wasn't an issue with cars driving by to disrupt filming.

In between filming the shots I also took footage just for all diagetic and non-diagetic sounds. For example, I took a separate clip of just the kettle boiling without the detective walking in to turn it off just so I had a lot of audio that I could use in editing.

Behind the Scene Photos:

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Thursday, March 23, 2023

Final Shoot: Day 1

 Finally, it was time to conduct the final shoot. I invited both of my actors to my house to stay overnight for the sake of convenience since there were both nighttime and daytime shots to film.

For the whole filming process, I used my usual Canon EOS 750D camera and a tripod that I borrowed from my father.

During the mock shoot, I had an issue due to the camera continuously autofocusing during filming and therefore leading to blurry takes. To solve this issue I played around with some of the settings ad managed to turn off the autofocusing feature, which was a big help.

Since Dayadi and Indeevari came to my house for dinner, we started off by shooting the night scene with the murder victim. For this, we artistically set the candle and wine up on the stool and splattered the fake blood on the floor to create a blood spatter. A larger pool was made for the victim's neck area to make it look like she'd been stabbed there.

For the lighting, a porch light outside the window was lit and the curtains were kept open, additionally, a small digital lamp was strung up on the windowsill at the side of the room so that there would be additional light streaming in.

I had to retake the shot quite a few times and every time I did so the letter Indeevari was drawing had to be continuously erased, so this scene took some time to film. Furthermore, I shot this scene from multiple angles so that I would have a variety of choices for the final edit. 

Behind the Scene Photos:

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Monday, March 20, 2023


 Character: Kiara De Saram

I created a mood board on Canva to get a clear idea of the type of clothing that female plain clothes detectives typically wear in film:

Using this as a reference point, I used clothing that I had at home to create a costume for my main character. I borrow a blazer and top from my mother's work clothes and my boots and pants were used as well.

 Character: The Murder Victim

The murder victim is portrayed in such a way that she appears to have been spending a quiet night on the couch ebfore she was attacked. Accordingly, Indeevari wore a casual pair of black shorts and a black t-shirt. We also chose black so that her clothes wouldn't stain from the fake blood used.
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Thursday, March 16, 2023

How I Collected My Props


Alternative Access to Video

Additional Props

  • The Fake Blood
When dressing the set and filming the murder scene I made fake blood using water, red food colouring and flour. I mixed these ingredients together until I reached a satisfactory consistency which looked like blood and could be used to write  with on the floor.

  • A Fake News Site
As an additional detail, for the take where Detective De Saram is scrolling through the news in the morning, I created my own fake news article of a murder that had taken place. I used a site called worldgreynews. This article was meant to act as an indication of her profession, she is reading up on murders because she is a homicide detective by profession.

Instead of taking a picture off of the internet I decided to stage another murder and include a picture of that in my own original article. My mother acted as the victim:

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Monday, March 13, 2023


 The Cast

➢ Name - Dayadi Seneviratne
➢ Age - 20
➢ Appearance:

  • THE MURDER VICTIM played by - 
➢ Name - Indeevari De Silva
➢ Age - 20
➢ Appearance:

For the 2 film characters acting in the sequence, I approached two good friends of mine that I used to be on my school debating team with. They have both acted in school plays in the past and were very willing to help out and act in the sequence for free on their own time. I chose to use people older than me so that they would better represent their characters who are both adults. I also chose them because they have left school and do not have full-time jobs yet and therefore were likely to be available at convenient times for shooting. Dayadi in particular also really fit the idea that I had of my detective character, as evidenced by my previously posted character profile.

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Friday, March 10, 2023

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Monday, March 6, 2023

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Mock Shoot Feedback


Based on the feedback received from my teacher I would have to change a few things for my final film opening sequence:

  • The framing of the shots - particularly the scene with the detective getting dressed should have been shot as an over-the-shoulder/POV shot 
  • There should have been a cutaway close-up shot of her reaching out to the picture frame in order to draw the audience's attention to the picture
  • The phone call about the case should come in earlier so that the audience can draw the links as to why we are being introduced to this character right after witnessing a murder victim dying on screen
  • The 180-degree rule should have been better observed (ex - in the scene with the murder victim shot from different angles)
  • The ending could be considered too abrupt so a new idea had to be created. I decided to try and replace the current ending with the detective getting into a car and driving off to solve the crime

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Wednesday, March 1, 2023