Saturday, March 4, 2023

Mock Shoot Feedback


Based on the feedback received from my teacher I would have to change a few things for my final film opening sequence:

  • The framing of the shots - particularly the scene with the detective getting dressed should have been shot as an over-the-shoulder/POV shot 
  • There should have been a cutaway close-up shot of her reaching out to the picture frame in order to draw the audience's attention to the picture
  • The phone call about the case should come in earlier so that the audience can draw the links as to why we are being introduced to this character right after witnessing a murder victim dying on screen
  • The 180-degree rule should have been better observed (ex - in the scene with the murder victim shot from different angles)
  • The ending could be considered too abrupt so a new idea had to be created. I decided to try and replace the current ending with the detective getting into a car and driving off to solve the crime


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