Saturday, March 25, 2023

Final Shoot: Day 2

 On the second day of shooting, I shot all the indoor and outdoor scenes of the detective. The takes didn't take too long and were quite simple to film. We set the tripod up in the different locations of the house, starting with the kitchen, followed by the dining table and finally the dresser table scenes.

We began filming early in the day to make use of the natural ambient sounds of the morning, as well as the natural lighting from the sunlight coming in. The curtains were kept open at all times for this.

There was a slight issue when the neighbours started to mow their lawn, which slightly interrupted the sound, particularly during the phone call scene. However, the noise soon stopped and we were able to resume filming quickly. 

Filming the phone call part was a little tricky but I had my mother standing in the corner out of the frame and once Dayadi had started scrolling through the news she was instructed to call her phone. She also spoke the other person's line "We've got another one" herself into the phone during the call but this created an echo in the footage because my mother was also in the room so she could see when to call. However, this was an issue which I could and did fix during editing, replacing that audio with pre-recorded audio of the line which I manipulated to sound like a speakerphone voice.

For the parts where the car was being driven, Dayadi would only do the take where the detective was getting into the car and for the rest of this scene when the car was actually being driven this was also done by my mother since nobody else had a driver's license or knew how to drive. She wore the blazer that Dayadi's character wore and drove the car up the lane a few times so that I could get the perfect take. The lane was very quite as it was a weekday and a residential area so there wasn't an issue with cars driving by to disrupt filming.

In between filming the shots I also took footage just for all diagetic and non-diagetic sounds. For example, I took a separate clip of just the kettle boiling without the detective walking in to turn it off just so I had a lot of audio that I could use in editing.

Behind the Scene Photos:


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