Thursday, March 23, 2023

Final Shoot: Day 1

 Finally, it was time to conduct the final shoot. I invited both of my actors to my house to stay overnight for the sake of convenience since there were both nighttime and daytime shots to film.

For the whole filming process, I used my usual Canon EOS 750D camera and a tripod that I borrowed from my father.

During the mock shoot, I had an issue due to the camera continuously autofocusing during filming and therefore leading to blurry takes. To solve this issue I played around with some of the settings ad managed to turn off the autofocusing feature, which was a big help.

Since Dayadi and Indeevari came to my house for dinner, we started off by shooting the night scene with the murder victim. For this, we artistically set the candle and wine up on the stool and splattered the fake blood on the floor to create a blood spatter. A larger pool was made for the victim's neck area to make it look like she'd been stabbed there.

For the lighting, a porch light outside the window was lit and the curtains were kept open, additionally, a small digital lamp was strung up on the windowsill at the side of the room so that there would be additional light streaming in.

I had to retake the shot quite a few times and every time I did so the letter Indeevari was drawing had to be continuously erased, so this scene took some time to film. Furthermore, I shot this scene from multiple angles so that I would have a variety of choices for the final edit. 

Behind the Scene Photos:


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